Thursday, 5 January 2012

New Year, New Blog - Day 5

Day 5 was quite a bit better than yesterday. I had a quiter day at work, which is always a bonus, I saw my favourite class, heard a funny story and saw a hilarious situation! Unfortunatly I won't mention whose in the class (child protection etc), the story isn't suitable to repeat and the hilarious situation, well, you'll need to ask me about it.

The weather was so bad today. Wind, rain and cold is a bad combination unless your are weatherologist. The wind messed up my hair as well. Only one more day until the weekend, wahoo!
 I've been really lazy today since I got back from work. I got in and went straight on the xbox for a whole 5 hours. It was an awesome session as I was gaming with an old friend called Tim, who make the experience that much more enjoyable. 

 Tomorrow is a very special persons birthday and she might get a surprise at work, but I wont let her know about it.
Mum showed me how to get a visitor counter on the blog and will be doing that in the next few days. Hopefully I'll be able to get the numbers ticking over. I'll also have to turn on email subscriptions so all you wonderful people dont miss a thing, and if you want to leave comments then that is also cool.

I was going to write something else but I seem to have forgotten it now.... I remember, I find that everyday, there are more and more people reading these blogs and I am always humbled and appreciate the time you all take to read my blogs. So thank you very much everyone :) 

Blog again tomorrow.


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