Tuesday, 10 January 2012

New Year, New Blog - Day 10

Day 10 started with me waking up 20 minutes late as I forgot to set my alarm last night. The day that followed was just a comedy of errors. Work started with a year 11 English lesson but most of them were in a GCSE exam so that lesson was spend going over coursework that should have been finished by now. Next was maths but that was boring. At lunch I did something that I've never done before. I took a phonecall in the staff room. It did result in me going for a walk to pass a message on. 

After work I did a kettlebell workout with some colleagues. It involved 10 chin ups, 21 swings with the kettlebell and 15 push up. I just had to keep repeating this for 10 minutes. It was very very tough. After this I did some ski sits and a few other leg workouts. I'm going to be aching tomorrow.

When I got home I finished the end of Reservoir Dogs. I have to say I'm a little bit disappointed by the ending. It wasn't how I expected and I now I finished the film, I don't think I like it. 

I bought a new TV stand today from Sainsburys well Dad did but I paid for it, and he discovered one of the glass bases was shattered so we took it back and exchanged it for another one. I started to put that one together and found that some parts were missing. So dad drove all the was across Chelmsford to Sainsburys to ask someone on customer services for some replacement parts. Now its all set up and looks amazing.

While writing this I have been watching a program called Rogue Baboon: An Inside Nature's Giants Special. Its about a huge male baboon in South Africa. Its really interesting. 

Thats pretty much all for today.

Until tomorrow


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