Sunday, 15 January 2012

New Year, New Blog - Day 15

Day 15.

I didn't sleep great last night, I was awake for an hour during the night as I could not sleep, so I watched a few episodes of Scrubs and eventually fell back asleep. 

Sundays we all go to grandads field to see cousins and aunty. To day was quite special because we had a medium size fire, the first one of the year and first one for a few months. We used an old double matteress as a base, a few bags of shredded paper which was then covered by lots of branches, tree cuttings, a few pillows and a wooden bed frame. 

The early stages of building the fire.
More wood kept getting added.

Soon after lighting it.
Getting bigger.

It was quite warm taking this photo.

And again, quite warm.
 Once we had piled the wood up, the second most important element to any good fire was added, petrol. We only had a small amount to use but it was better that nothing. Once it was lit, we just kept on adding branches. It does feel somewhat surreal having a fire outside on a cold day, drinking tea and eating sausage rolls. 

When I got home, I played a bit of Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped on the PS3 and then I helped mum plaster a wall in the bathroom. I mixed the plaster together but it was quite lumpy. It soon got smooth though.

After I had given mum a hand with that I decided to watch Transformers 2 and had to iron my work shirts. Thats right, I can iron. The Transformers films are among favourite films. Hopefully, I can share more of my favourite films over the next few weeks. 

Tonight I plan on watching another episode of Auf Weidersehen, Pet and then get an early night so that I'm ready for whatever this coming week will throw at me.

I'm up to 770 viewers in 2 weeks! So a huge thank you to all who read, I am very grateful.

Until tomorrow.


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