Friday, 27 January 2012

New Year, New Blog - Day 27

Day 27.

Wow, another week over. It went quick for sure and I know Monday will come flying around. Oh well, such is life. I'm not going to include a diary today but go straight into a discussion. I'm thinking Fridays will be a discussion night, whereby I will talk about something and give my views on it. It can be quite difficult during the week so I think Friday nights will do for now. Last Friday I spoke about 'Playing God' and how bioengineers have created yeast that produce diesel and if it was the right thing to do. Seeing as I've been verey busy this week, I havn't been able to think properly about what I might like to talk about. But as I'm sitting here thinking, listening to music, the question is already there in the song title:

Whats this life for?

The song is called whats this life for and was from a band called Creed. The song is awesome to listen to and I have so many favourites but this is certainly up there with my all time favourites.
It might seem like a massive topic of debate and will not be settled in one night, but it would be really amazing to hear some comments and views. There are so many backgrounds and different views on life, whats its for, why are we here and is there something more. Maybe I'm a fool for asking what people think so early on in the year but I still want to know. From my background, upbringing, experiences and friends, I believe there is something more. I believe that I will go to heaven once my time here on Earth is done. Whether that place is in some far corner of the universe where no one can reach, a whole bunch of fluffy clouds with big golden gates or something beyond our imagination, beyond our comprehension and beyond our expectations, I don't know. What I do know and believe is that there is something better and perfect after this life. Sometimes I do question it all and think, what if this is it, just this one life and then nothing. Then something or someone always reminds me that there is more than this. Maybe you don't agree with me which is you own opinion and decision, because the world would be a boring place if everyone was the same and it opens up a massive discussion.

Scientists will argue that we are here through billions of years of evolution.
Christians believe that we are here because of Gods love.
Other religions will argue that they are here through their Gods doing.
Atheists couldn't give a banana.
Everyone else is either open minded and willing to listen or closed minded and not willing to listen.

I think I'll leave it there for tonight and post a question on facebook and twitter. As this is a massive topic I will certainly be coming back to it. Please facebook me messages of direct message me on twitter with your views. I would love to hear them.

Maybe it could be a discussion you could have with your friends and collegues?

Next weeks question will probably lead on from this.

Until tomorrow.


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