Friday, 9 March 2012

New Year, New Blog - Day 69

Day 69. 

The last day of the week never fails to disappoint in the fact that we all know tomorrow will be a lie in and no kids for 2 days. That feeling of knowing its the last day is amazing. 

Work was good, it always is on a Friday. I helped one small child learn to swim, well, sort of swim. I helped get him working on kicking his legs. It was awesome to help someone who 2 weeks ago wouldn't get in the water to getting in and using a float to swim. Well done little man. He also splashed me quite a lot. After that, the rest of the day was a breeze and went really quick. 

After work, the beasting began with a tiny 7 minute workout. It wasn't that hard so I guess I was doing it wrong but it was a long 7 minutes. It was only burpees and they a press up into a jump up with a clap above your head and then back to a press up. Not a lot but getting up and down takes its toll.

Not a lot went on this evening, I just helped at F@ST club. Its a youth club at Tile Kiln church for those aged 11-16. Thankfully it was a quite and relaxing evening as there were a lot less youth than usual. Although a relaxing evening has made me tired. I was going to stay up at smash it on the xbox with a few beers but the increasing number of yawns is slowly tempting me to bed.

Until tomorrow.


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